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My name is VINOD DARJI age 64. I suffered stroke on Feb 15 th ,2020. My left side was paralyzed. My daughter who is a physiotherapist gave me all possible neurorehabilitation treatments, in spite of which I had too much pain in my left hand. As a result, I could not do my hand exercises…
Hi this is Mamta Modi from Malad, Mumbai would just like to share with you my experience with you all that from past 3 months I was suffering from severe stomach ache and had 5 different opinion from doctors but no one was able to find the exact cause of the pain so the treatment…
I am Mrs Kunda Rane, 69 yr old, I was suffering from slip disc for almost 6-7 years. I had visited too many othopedic doctors, but the relief was temporary. I lost my hope to get rid of my severe back pain however I luckily got to know Dr Snehal Panchal, who is a specialist…
As a surgeon, I was sceptical as to how long will the pain therapy last and how much it will really help me get out of bed and get me out of my agonising nerve pain due to acute slip disc. I was a text book candidate for lumbar disc spine surgery. As a last…
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Nullam imperdiet risus sapien, sed dictum mauris aliquam eget. Sed ut tellus vitae mauris feugiat consequat. Cras pretium metus ac ex dictum faucibus. Suspendisse malesuada, dolor sed porta fringilla, elit massa tincidunt elit, vitae blandit leo velit et leo. Phasellus at feugiat nunc, id molestie diam.
DetailsNam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor. Quisque fringilla, ex sed vestibulum sodales, arcu nisi placerat metus.